Your webSite at Risk > Why Https is Best and Secure & Difference between http and https

 Your webSite at Risk > Why Https is Best and Secure & Difference between http and https

must Read > pls find list of site Breached which are unsecure in http > soure from Wikipedia latest news

HTTP Site are vulnerable and constantly at risk of a cyberattack. Its successor HTTPS is much reliable and secure. Essentially, a malicious actor can just read the text in the request or the response and know exactly what information someone is asking for, sending, or receiving,  Biggest Data Breaches of All Time using this HTTP Site, 

HTTP - Overview  - 

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It does not use SSL. The HTTP transmits the data over port number 80. It is unsecured as the plain text is sent, which can be accessible by the hackers. Google does not give the preference to the HTTP websites.

HTTPs - Overview

HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. - uses SSL that provides the encryption of the data,.could be a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS convention to supply encrypted communication and secure distinguishing, It is secure as it sends the encrypted data which hackers cannot understand. Google gives preferences to the HTTPS as HTTPS websites are secure websites.

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